Bath Teas
Have you been curious about what exactly a bath tea is? Bath Teas are tea sachets filled with dried herbs, dried flowers and/or oats that are added to a warm bath water. Teas can be used for various reason; they smell good, relax the mind, body and soul and make you skin feel great! Since the skin is the largest organ in the body, a tea bath allows the body to absorb the tea as if you were drinking it.
There are several ways to enjoy a bath tea, from hanging it over the tub faucet as you fill the bath to hanging them over the shower head so they wash over you as you cleanse yourself, etc. My favorite way to enjoy a bath tea? I steep the bath tea in boiled water for 20 minutes prior to getting into the tub, then I run a hot bath, light all my candles, pour the tea in as it is filling, ring the tea bag out into the water and let it float with me while I soak.
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